Hi, I'm Jessica.

I’m a Child Specialist.
I bring out the best in your child.

As an Education Director, I founded First Bridge Montessori. I work with hundreds of children. Many have transformed into active and respectful learners.

My relationship with Early Childhood begins with my personal choice
to homeschool my 2 daughters.
That took place in Bali, Hard Rock Hotel, Suite Room 1101.
Since then, it has become my life-long love.

Now, everything about me is First Bridge.

Hi, I'm Jessica.

I’m a Child Specialist.
I bring out the best in your child.

As an Education Director, I founded First Bridge Montessori. I work with hundreds of children. Many have transformed into active and respectful learners.

My relationship with Early Childhood begins with my personal choice
to homeschool my 2 daughters.
That took place in Bali, Hard Rock Hotel, Suite Room 1101.
Since then, it has become my life-long love.

Now, everything about me is First Bridge.

Build Schools Design Curriculum Teach Inspire Your Child Pave Your Child's Path

My passion and focus is building quality English Montessori schools in places where Literacy is needed. Every child deserves the right to education.

I’m dedicating my life work to ensuring First Bridge is
THE Bridge to Literacy.
It is the foundation of an inclusive and dynamic educational system, which will nurture engaging and respectful global citizen.

Build Schools Design Curriculum Teach Inspire Your Child Pave Your Child's Path

My passion and focus is building quality English Montessori schools in places where Literacy is needed. Every child deserves the right to education.

I’m dedicating my life work to ensuring First Bridge is
THE Bridge to Literacy.
It is the foundation of an inclusive and dynamic educational system, which will nurture engaging and respectful global citizen.

Come Along With Me

Explore how my skills and my team can spark some inspiration
to your journey and inspire you as a parent, a teacher or an entrepreneur.

My Books

Literacy is key to success. To read and write is the beginning of a world of knowledge and skills.

My books were stories I crafted when I homeschooled my daughters. These books are my most valuable teaching resources benefitting teachers and children.

My Schools

Bishan, Singapore

Bali – Renon, Ubud, Batu Bulan, Benoa

My Books

Literacy is key to success. To read and write is the beginning of a world of knowledge and skills.

My books were stories I crafted when I homeschooled my daughters. These books are my most valuable teaching resources benefitting teachers and children.

My Schools

Bishan, Singapore

Bali – Renon, Ubud, Batu Bulan, Benoa

Advisory & Training

I’m steadfast in my duty to serve and inspire.
Through my coaching, many teachers have become more articulate and confident in their crafts.

By fanning their sparks of flames, I continue to train and advise, design new curriculum, breaking down complex philosophies in simple language.

I’m honoured many organisations worldwide, have given me the chance to train their staff. Providing Pro Bono works makes First Bridge resources accessible to schools in need.

Our impact is WHO we are leaving behind.

    • Bhutan
    • Belitar, Indonesia
    • Don Bosco Schools, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


I work with entrepreneurs in their school startups.

They rely on me for training methodology, implementation of business plans and advisory on regulations. We nurture long term partnerships cohesively.

  • Bali, Sanur
  • Berau, Kalimantan

Advisory & Training

I’m steadfast in my duty to serve and inspire.
Through my coaching, many teachers have become more articulate and confident in their crafts.

By fanning their sparks of flames, I continue to train and advise, design new curriculum, breaking down complex philosophies in simple language.

I’m honoured many organisations worldwide, have given me the chance to train their staff. Providing Pro Bono works makes First Bridge resources accessible to schools in need.

Our impact is WHO we are leaving behind.

  • Bhutan
  • Belitar, Indonesia
  • Don Bosco Schools, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


I work with entrepreneurs in their school startups.

They rely on me for training methodology, implementation of business plans and advisory on regulations. We nurture long term partnerships cohesively.

  • Bali, Sanur
  • Berau, Kalimantan

Personal Story

Chapter 1

As a certified Montessori Directress,

Homeschooled 2 daughters in Hard Rock Hotel, Bali, Suite 1102.

Chapter 2

Continue homeschooling more students.
Founded First Bridge at Bishan.

Chapter 3

Published 11 Phonics Books.
Drafting activity books.

Chapter 4

Fostered a lifelong partnership with Ibu Sri Wiryani.
Together, in trust and determination, we build and expand First Bridge Bali from strength to strength.

Chapter 5

School #1 in Bali opened in Denpasar.
Quality English Montessori is offered to local children.

Chapter 6

School #2 opened in Ubud, Bali.

Chapter 7

Launched Singapore Bali Students Immersion.

Teachers’ Training in Bhutan.

First Bridge library opened in Bhutan School.

Chapter 8

School #3 opened in Batu Bulan, Bali.

School #4 opened in Benoa, Bali.

Chapter 9

Teachers’ Training in Cambodia, Phnom Penh.

4 Don Bosco Catholic Schools serving the children
from the poorest families.

Chapter 10

Certified with Special Needs Education at “The School of Positive Psychology”.

Chapter 11

School #5 opened in Sanur, Bali.
Paving for expansion to Kalimantan.

Chapter 12

School #6 opened in Berau, Kalimantan.

The first Montessori with Quality English curriculum established.

Our Testimonials

Our Testimonials